Trent and Kassidy's Italy Blog

Day 9, 10: Getting to Rome and Exploring Its History

Train to Rome

Getting to Rome was as easy as taking another train. As a bonus, we didn't even have any transfers. Just one regional train from Florence.

Our Airbnb

Since we're spending the most time here in Rome, we wanted to make sure we had a fun place to stay. We knew our Airbnb would have a view, but it's so much nicer in person! In the morning, it's just a pretty, quiet street. At night, the restaurants on the corners set up seating outdoors and it really fills up!

Airbnb View in the Morning

View from Airbnb balcony in the morning

Airbnb View at Night

View from Airbnb balcony at night

The Colosseum

We booked an 8 hour "Rome in a day" tour that took us through all sorts of historical sights. We started with the Colosseum. Hearing about its history while walking around it was one of our favorite parts of the day.

Colosseum Selfie

Colosseum Selfie

Trevi Fountain

We passed by the Trevi fountain. The small square was struggling to hold in the crowds, but the fountain itself was really pretty. Our tour guide said it was one of the "newest historical attractions in Rome." That was funny to hear considering it predates America's independence.

One of the participants on our tour told us that her visit to the fountain 30 years ago was very different. She proceeded to show us a picture of her sitting on the steps of the fountain with no crowd in sight. We might try to pass by early some morning before the other tourists start showing up!

Trevi Fountain

View of the Trevi Fountain, featuring us and hundreds of others

Vatican City

When we showed up at Vatican City around noon, I thought it was a bit early to arrive at our final stop of the tour. I had no idea just how much there was to see. After a lunch break, we spent hours walking through the museum's halls and hearing about how it came to be.

Even the halls themselves were beautiful pieces of art.

Vatican Hallway

Looking down one of the Vatican hallways

After we toured the museum, we were able to step inside the Sistine Chapel (where photos aren't allowed, unfortunately) and then St. Peter's Basilica afterwards. From a distance, I couldn't tell how large St. Peter's is. Here's a wide angle from up close that really shows how the church towers over you.

St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter's Basilica, from outside

Inside was incredible as well. The ceilings are so tall that you hardly feel like you're indoors.

St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter's Basilica, central view looking forward

I think our two favorite moments from the day were the very start (Colosseum) and the very end - St. Peter's Basilica. It's mind-boggling to think we visited two completely different but highly significant historical sites in a single day. Rome has so much to offer.

Selfie at Basilica

Our tour guide worded it well: "Rome is like a lasagna of history." Layers and layers of various important eras, all on top of each other and nearby.

A Fun Dinner to End the Day

We ate at a bit of a wacky spot for dinner. It had good reviews online, but the seating area was ridiculously narrow. The pasta was good too! It's nice that our Airbnb is just 5 minutes from this restaurant and so many others!

Tiny seating at dinner