Trent and Kassidy's Italy Blog

Day 8: Driving a Vespa Through Tuscany

Today we went on a tour of Tuscany via Vespa. Prior to the tour, we didn't know what to expect, but it was a blast.

First, a bus took us from Florence's city center to a small town 30min out of the city. Here, it was much less crowded and much more beautiful. You could see rolling hills in every direction.

This tour was a group of about 10 people. Most people rode their Vespas single, but Kassidy and I - plus a couple other couples - chose to double up on their Vespas.

Here's a photo of us at our first stop:

Posing with red Vespa


The tour description said you didn't need any Vespa experience to participate. They would provide a quick tutorial and test drive. Even with this preparation, it wasn't entirely easy to get the hang of. Regardless, we passed their informal test and felt sort of comfortable taking the scooter to the road!

The Views

Like I said earlier, there were rolling hills in every direction, and getting to see it all from the Vespa made it even better. Kassidy was taking photos and videos the whole time from the back seat! Here's a couple:

Selfie on Vespa

View from Vespa

Wine Tasting

After the Vespa ride, our tour guide brought us to a nearby winery for wine tasting. The view here was great too. The two wonderful wines we tried may have made the view even better.

View from first winery

Dinner at another Winery

After the first winery, we wrapped up our tour with dinner at a second winery. They gave us a brief walkthrough of the premises, starting with their "new cask room" which was built in 1760. That doesn't sound too new until you hear that their "old cask room" was built in the 1400s! Here's a photo of the old one:

Cask room from 1400s

After a walkthrough of their premises, we had dinner there. It was nice to get to know a bit more about the others on the tour as well. Turns out many of them are headed to Rome the same day we are!

Dinner at second winery

This was our favorite day so far by a long shot. Riding the Vespa together through the hills of Tuscany felt so adventurous. The wine tasting and traditional Tuscan dinner that followed was just the cherry on top.

Bonus for the Day: Tuscan Cats!

We're always happy to find cats along the way, and today we saw two. They were friendly and happy to let Kassidy pet them.

Cat 1

Cat 2