Trent and Kassidy's Italy Blog

Day 4: Venice to Monterroso

Water Taxi to the Train Station

Today was a travel day for us. We started off with a water taxi from our hotel to the Venice train station. Since our hotel has its own dock, it was just like a regular taxi pulling up to the front of the building.

venice water taxi

The Venice train station took us a moment to understand. Neither of us have ridden a train before, at least that we can remember. We found our train just fine, though!

Riding the Trains

Our first train was a speed train. It had assigned seats that faced each other with tables between, and tons of overhead storage space.

trent on speed train

The next two trains were regional trains. They were less spacious and allowed passengers to sit anywhere.

Here's a photo from our last leg, right before arriving at seaside Monterosso.

view from Monterosso train

All in all, it took us about 5hrs of train rides to cross a distance that would have been 4hrs driving. It's pretty cool how you can get almost anywhere without a car, at least in most cities.

Evening in Monterosso

Our VRBO host was kind enough to pick us up from the train station. We had to drive along a road that looked like a pedestrian path, and was used as one - we both held our breath as he narrowly dodged dozens of pedestrians.

Regardless, his driving was efficient! We were able to get settled and head back out for dinner.

We found this cute restaurant in a quiet alleyway.

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It was the perfect ending to a day full of travel!