Trent and Kassidy's Italy Blog

Day 3: Murano and Burano

No Brunch?

We spent a while this morning looking for brunch and the verdict is clear: you will be hard pressed to find a brunch spot in Venice. Your choices are espresso and pastries for breakfast or waiting til lunch for pizza and pasta. Nothing in between.

It's easier to find a place that serves coffee, wine, and gelato at any hour of the day than it is to find a simple brunch.

We do have to give credit where it's due - we finally found a place that serves brunch. But that was at 8pm on our final walk home.

On our morning walk, we also noticed a restaurant's outdoor seating being overtaken by the canal.

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Visiting other Islands in the Venice Lagoon

We wanted a change of pace today, so we visited Murano and Burano.

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Caption: Burano, taken from the Vaporetta as we approached

Murano, known for its glass, must have 100+ glass shops that each sell glass wares "hand-made in Italy." I put that in quotes since several shop owners warned us of the fraudulent sellers mislabeling imported glass as Italian.

It's unfortunate. I doubt any Murano visitor has enough expertise to tell the difference.

Eventually we stumbled upon a shop owner actively making glass jewelry in a corner of his store. This is who we purchased from - it's easy to trust when you see the artist make it right before you.

The Colorful Town of Burano

While Murano is a 10 minute boat ride from Venice, Burano is about 30 minutes out. Visitors go mostly to walk its rows of colorful homes and shops.

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We didn't get to spend much time here. We arrived around 6:30 and the last boat out of the town seemed to be 7:20. In that short time, though, we noticed dozens of locals heading back to their colorful homes. It's nice to see that a community still thrives there despite the overbearing presence of tourists.

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This was also the first place we found wandering cats! Venice has plenty of dogs wandering about, but we were starting to wonder where the cats lived.