Trent and Kassidy's Italy Blog

Day 13: A Relaxing Conclusion

Spa Day

Today, we had only one item on the agenda: relax at the spa with a couple's massage. This wasn't on our radar til the couple we met in Venice told us it's a ritual of theirs to end every big trip with a spa day.

Even though we were booking late, a nearby spa had one opening for our last day.

We're really glad it all worked out, because it was very relaxing. The package we ordered had three hours of total spa time, where one hour is the couple's massage and the other two are just for relaxing at the spa. Plus, it came with a charcuterie board and champagne. They did a great job at setting up a relaxing and romantic atmosphere!

Spa Atmosphere

Farewell Gelato

It was also the final day of our new friends' trip as well, so we met up for gelato in the evening. I'm glad we met them. We have a lot in common and they're easy to talk to. It was nice to have a final meetup as our last real activity in Italy.

There was a nice plaza across the street from the gelato shop, so we talked there for a while as the sun set. Here's a group picture of us there.

Farewell Gelato Group Photo

Overall, I'd say our honeymoon redo was a success. There's a bit more to do in Italy than there is in Hot Springs.